
Sami Shah
2 min readNov 23, 2020


The virus wasn’t created by China.

They say it started in a market where you can buy bats and pangolins as easily as we buy chicken and pork. It did not.

They say it was created in a laboratory; scientists cocooned in plastic, accidentally-on-purpose releasing it under the orders of a government plotting to ruin the world just enough.

None of that happened.

The virus isn’t caused by 5G towers either. A biological infection isn’t travelling on radio frequencies in the 30–300 gigahertz range, because that would be impossible. The only damage 5G towers can cause you is with how much faster they stream the horrors of the world to the screen in your hand.

The virus wasn’t created by billionaire technologists. It wasn’t a ruse to get you to hide in your home while an American president sent secret armies into underground tunnels to free children trapped in pedophile rings.

None of that is true. I know it isn’t because I know where the virus came from. Where it truly came from.

I made it. I developed it and I grew it and I released it into the world. I knew it would be just lethal enough to create a lockdown, and not lethal enough that it would kill me.

Or you.

That’s all I wanted. More time with you. But you left anyway.

And now I’m sitting here alone, the world trapped with me.

